This book is about American Indians and my wonderful experiences at the Pine Ridge Indin Reservtion in western South Dakota. My first sweat lodge was very haunting and deeply moving, and hot. The drums resonated, people chanted and prayed. I was drawn there in 1996 after experiencing the newly born prophetic white buffalo calf in Wisconsin.I was totoally emersed in their culture and politics. It was a new world that saved me and changed me.The Hopi Kachina dances are hauntingly beautiful and take us back to an ancient place inside ourselves.The reservations are unlike anything in mainsream USA society. I also was a college instructor at Oglala Lakota College for three years and taught at the Navajo Reservation for one year. I saw a side of life most Americans never exprience.
American Indians, Animals, Spirits: My 12 Years with the Lakota Sioux at Pine Ridge
This book is about American Indians and my wonderful experiences at the Pine Ridge Indin Reservtion in western South Dakota. My first sweat lodge was very haunting and deeply moving, and hot. The drums resonated, people chanted and prayed. I was drawn there in 1996 after experiencing the newly born prophetic white buffalo calf in Wisconsin.I was totoally emersed in their culture and politics. It was a new world that saved me and changed me.The Hopi Kachina dances are hauntingly beautiful and take us back to an ancient place inside ourselves.The reservations are unlike anything in mainsream USA society. I also was a college instructor at Oglala Lakota College for three years and taught at the Navajo Reservation for one year. I saw a side of life most Americans never exprience.