America in Bible Prophecy: Our True Identity by Ancient Names

America in Bible Prophecy: Our True Identity by Ancient Names

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America in Bible Prophecy is a must read for all concerned Americans. The purpose of this book is to prove our true identity as a part of the house of Israel and that we are now at the end of the age of time. It explains in detail our role in the soon coming cataclysmic events prognosticated to occur as we approach the Apocalypse spoken of in the Prophetic Scriptures. Yes, America is a prime player in all the future Prophetic events as recorded in the Holy Bible. America should be warned of the coming changes to our Christian way of life and we need to wake up to the reality of truth.

This book is based on ancient and Biblical history and the foundation for understanding Gods Prophecies. It proves the existence of Great Britain and the United States in prophecy by ancient historical and Biblical names as the house of Israel, Gods Battle Ax and protector of the Church. The King of England declared his throne to be "the protector of the faith" (the Apostolic Church) in 156AD. The thoughts theories or personal principles within this book are based upon actual fact of recorded history and Canonized Scripture. The Security of our soul lies within Gods omnipotent power to preserve the purity of his ancient Scriptures with undeniable truth and clarity. If we as humans deny God and his truths, the Holy Bible, then our lives mean nothing in the scheme of life.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was

with God, and the Word was God" John 1:1

If we elect as a nation to believe the lies of the liberal left that the truth of the Scriptures is not absolute and reject the fact that God established his Word for the guide lines of our daily lives and society itself, then we are truly an unwise people. This nation is slowly renouncing four hundred years of Gods inspired traditions and way of life in the guise of Political Correctness. If we continue our arrogance and denial of God, then, he has no choice but to judge this nation just as he did his Chosen People of Israel. They were judged and found guilty with a sentence of captivity and total destruction. Let's not be foolish enough to believe that he will not Judge our sins as a Christian nation for those same warnings pertain to our present time period. On February 29, 1892 by a vote of nine to zero, the Supreme Court of the United States declared America to be a Christian nation on which our Declaration of Independence, Preamble and Constitution is based. It is undeniable that our forefathers establish the birth of this nation on Biblical truth and this can be proven by the one-dollar bill and pledge of allegiance of our nation, "in God we trust" and "one nation under God".

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