In an attractive gift format, this is a book for all in need of healing, for those who pray for others, for caregivers, pastors, counselors, Stephen ministers, and compassionate visitors. It points to God's healingpower and promises that in God's time and in God's way, "all will be well."
This gathering of 250 healing prayers from around the world and through the centuries includes prayers for:
physical healing
emotional healing
the healing of relationships
times of grief
the dying
expressing gratitude for healing
We can learn from men and women of faith that include:Richard Foster
Henri Nouwen
Mother Teresa
Desmond Tutu
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Teresa of Avila
Saint Augustine
Flora Slosson Wuellner
Leslie Weatherhead
Miriam Therese Winter
Herb Brokering
Julian of Norwich
Lewis Smedes
Frederick Buechner