The Adventures of Larry the Squirrel is a Christmas story about a shy woodland squirrel who is met with some very unexpected circumstances. We are dropped off at a point in Larry's life where some significant changes are taking place. His peaceful existence is interrupted by a motley-looking crew that has a larger agenda in mind for his home. Much to Larry's surprise, he and his house are suddenly loaded up, removed from his quiet, rural neighborhood, and driven across the country to a massive, busy city. Throughout the journey, Larry experiences many firsts, and it seems everyone wants to look at his home. As he struggles to understand what is going on, Larry lands himself right in the middle of what would be his memorable Christmas yet.
The Adventures of Larry the Squirrel: A Christmas Story
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The Adventures of Larry the Squirrel is a Christmas story about a shy woodland squirrel who is met with some very unexpected circumstances. We are dropped off at a point in Larry's life where some significant changes are taking place. His peaceful existence is interrupted by a motley-looking crew that has a larger agenda in mind for his home. Much to Larry's surprise, he and his house are suddenly loaded up, removed from his quiet, rural neighborhood, and driven across the country to a massive, busy city. Throughout the journey, Larry experiences many firsts, and it seems everyone wants to look at his home. As he struggles to understand what is going on, Larry lands himself right in the middle of what would be his memorable Christmas yet.