Step into the enchanting world of Alicorn Land, where Princess Goldie reigns with curiosity and spunk. With her loyal friends by her side, Goldie embarks on thrilling adventures that span the seven realms of the Alicorn world. Join Goldie, Platinum, Pinky, Brownie, and others as they embark on a journey fueled by a mysterious invitation to the Sky Alicorn Kingdom. Prepare to be whisked away on a magical quest filled with wonder, friendship, and discovery.
From beloved children's book author Lucas (Luke) Grothkopp, The Adventures of Goldie is a delight for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school early readers. With its engaging messages of friendship, teamwork, and understanding, The Adventures of Goldie offers a charming and irresistible introduction to a chapter book series filled with vibrant characters and plenty of humor.
Overcoming adversity together: This charming story follows Goldie and her close friends as they embark on a thrilling adventure to reach an event in the mystical Sky Alicorn Realm. Along the way, they find themselves in trouble but rely on each other to get out of it-just as true friends do. In this fun-filled book series, young readers will delight in Goldie's many adventures while discovering the magic of friendship.