ADMIN Network & Security (Digital)

ADMIN Network & Security (Digital)

1 Issue, September/October 2023

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A watchdog for every modern *ix server Old but Still Gold

Monit is a lightweight, performant, and seasoned solution that you can drop into old running servers or bake into new servers for full monitoring and proactive healing.
A watchdog for every modern *ix server Old but Still Gold
Every business is an IT business at the back end comprising physical and virtual servers. The backbone of modern IT systems is a cloud-based infrastructure made up primarily of GNU/​Linux servers. In the cloud-native world of modern IT, servers should be intelligent and designed to auto-heal proactively in case of internal problems. Unfortunately, many businesses still operate in old world reactive mode when it comes to server operations. Sooner or later enough server issues pile up to create frequent outages and resulting revenue losses. Listing 1: Dockerfile_UbuntuJammyJellyfish A solution to this problem is Monit [1], a lightweight, free, open source solution that monitors *ix systems and performs automatic maintenance and repair. I use Footloose container machines to test everything covered in this article. A commonly available Docker engine is the…
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ADMIN Network & Security (Digital) - 1 Issue, September/October 2023

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