This is the fictional short story collection from the movie BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, brought to life after more than 50 years. In the movie, it was written by the male romantic lead character Paul Varjak, who describes it as being "sensitive, angry, intensely felt, and dirty, but only incidentally." The stories raise issues that were only beginning to rear their heads in the 1950s-racism, sexism and sexuality, planetwide nuclear and environmental disaster-in a Twilight Zone-meets-J.D. Salinger format true to both the era and Varjak's description.
This is the fictional short story collection from the movie BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, brought to life after more than 50 years. In the movie, it was written by the male romantic lead character Paul Varjak, who describes it as being "sensitive, angry, intensely felt, and dirty, but only incidentally." The stories raise issues that were only beginning to rear their heads in the 1950s-racism, sexism and sexuality, planetwide nuclear and environmental disaster-in a Twilight Zone-meets-J.D. Salinger format true to both the era and Varjak's description.