The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded: To Understand The Book Of Revelation, You Need To Know The Fulfillment Of The 70th Week of Daniel 9

The 70th Week Of Daniel 9 Decoded: To Understand The Book Of Revelation, You Need To Know The Fulfillment Of The 70th Week of Daniel 9

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There are two key reasons to read this book. First, the 70th week of Daniel is the only prophecy in the Bible that foretold exactly when Messiah would start His ministry and when He would die for our sins.

When you understand the fulfillment, you have tangible proof to give to the world, that the Bible is true and that Messiah is deity.

The second reason is that the popular explanations for the fulfillment of Revelation are based on the concept of a futuristic 70th week of Daniel, an end-times seven-year tribulation period.

When you understand that the 70th week of Daniel is about the Jewish nation waiting for their promised Messiah to appear in the first century; then you know that it's not about the antichrist.

If you insist that the 70th week of Daniel has not been fulfilled, then read Daniel 9:24-27, and ask yourself these questions.During which week of the seventy-week prophecy did Messiah carry out his multiyear ministry? And in which week did He die for our sins? If you're honest with the text, you'll see that the only place for those events is in the 70th week.

Regarding the 'covenant' of Daniel 9:27, it's the same covenant that Daniel just mentioned in Daniel 9:4, which already existed.It is the everlasting covenant that was made to Abraham, which Messiah came to 'confirm' with His blood as the Passover Lamb, which paid the price for our sins and ended the need for temple animal sacrifices.

We'll all stand before our Righteous Judge to account for what we believe and teach about the most important prophecy in the Bible.I pray that you will read the explanations in this book about the 70th week of Daniel, compare it to Scripture, and discern it for yourself.

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