5028: Sonata of Fate

5028: Sonata of Fate

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A Story of Survival in a Galaxy Set Ablaze

Flames mire at the edges of a dying galaxy, threatening to engulf the last vestiges of life that still burn. As alien civilizations fight for their right to survive, is there anyone who can stand up to the power of gods?

The Intersection of Magic and Technology

Magic flows through this universe, infusing itself into the lives of those who know how to work with it and manipulate it. Explore a world where technological advances allow travel across the galaxy in a matter of days, yet where sword and sorcery magic still prevails. Still, the remnants of advanced civilizations promise an edge in the war to come.

A World of Villains and Heroes

William Ortell, a 24 year old refugee of the war between gods, finds himself chosen as a successor to a long dead hero of the war. He must decide whether to put aside his grudges or to sink into the comforting stillness he has created for himself. He isn't alone, though. Joining him are scientists, soldiers, magical experts, all with their own stories, all from their own walks of life, and all with their own reasons for fighting. As they are, could they possibly hope to stand against the Soulless? Against the dangers the galaxy holds? Or will they fall just as so many heroes had before them?

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