What if there existed a second Voynich Manuscript that continued where the first one left off? The Voynich Manuscript is a real and legendary text, written in a yet-undeciphered language or script, containing fantastic and detailed scientific-like examinations of what appear to be flora. The drawings have their own weird and wonderful style. So what if a second Voynich Manuscript was found that contained similar content but for animals, humans, and even bizarre and exotic alien-like life?

What if there existed a second Voynich Manuscript that continued where the first one left off? The Voynich Manuscript is a real and legendary text, written in a yet-undeciphered language or script, containing fantastic and detailed scientific-like examinations of what appear to be flora. The drawings have their own weird and wonderful style. So what if a second Voynich Manuscript was found that contained similar content but for animals, humans, and even bizarre and exotic alien-like life?
Paperback (Large Print)