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"First" tells the riveting story of humanity's first encounter with intelligent extraterrestrial life. Set in the year 2122, Earth's scientists have unlocked the secret to faster-than-light space travel. This breakthrough leads to the selection of an international team of astronauts and scientists, who embark on an extraordinary mission aboard Endeavor, an older spacecraft retrofitted with the new FTL technology, and venturing beyond the boundaries of our solar system.

Throughout their remarkable expedition, the crew of the Endeavor face numerous challenges. They suffer the tragic loss of a beloved crewmember, confront perilous situations, stumble upon a wandering rogue planet, and endure an accident that leaves them stranded in a distant star system, a staggering 70 light years away from home. Fortunately, this previously unknown star system includes a planet inhabited by a sentient species and a modern civilization.

Before making initial contact, the crew of Endeavor must gather crucial intelligence about these intelligent beings, using spy drones and conducting covert missions on the planet's surface. However, their efforts are complicated by a ruler who staunchly rejects the notion of other worlds.

Then, as tensions mount, an existential crisis arises concerning the rogue planet.

Will the crew of Endeavor survive on this alien world? Can they avoid the impending catastrophe? Will they find a way to get home?

"First" presents a compelling portrayal of space travel, seamlessly integrating aspects of quantum physics, evolutionary biology, language decryption, and biochemistry. The story will captivate enthusiasts of interstellar travel and narratives centered on first contact, making it a must-read for fans of these genres.

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