Discover the weirdest moments in human history!
This journey will expose you to a number of facts, including:
- Stunts of the Stone Age: Uncover the shocking and awe-inspiring stunts of our Stone Age ancestors that will leave you speechless.The Enigmatic World of Ancient Egypt: Explore the mysterious world of Ancient Egypt and the tales that have fascinated scholars for centuries.The Roman Empire's Bizarre Stories: Journey through the Roman Empire's most bizarre stories, from graffiti-laden walls to the eccentric lives of gladiators.Strange Beliefs of the Medieval Age: Navigate the treacherous waters of Medieval Madness, where strange beliefs and practices were the norm.Practices That Shaped the World: Step into the Renaissance period, where you'll discover the puzzling practices that reshaped the modern world.Breakthroughs in Science and Philosophy: Witness the Enlightenment's bizarre breakthroughs that transformed science and philosophy.The Eccentric Royals of Victorian England: Delve into the surreal world of Victorian England, where steam-powered innovations and eccentric royals reigned supreme.Shocking Events of the 20th Century: Relive the 20th century's most shocking events that shaped the course of history.