This book contains 1,001 anagram (or word scramble) puzzles that are grouped into 20 different categories. To solve them, you must rearrange the letters to form a word (or phrase) in that category. There are 50 puzzles for each of the following topics: Popular Girls Names, Popular Boys Names, Famous Actresses, Famous Actors, Television Shows, Song Titles, Famous Singers, Classic Movies, People Who Work in Hospitals, College Majors I & II, Dog & Cat Breeds, Christmas Carols, Food & Menu Items, Famous Athletes, Names of Countries, Animals, Birds & Insects, Cities Across the Globe, Fun Names for Colors, and Common Household Items. Finally, the last chapter provides the solution to every puzzle. By design, the puzzles in this book vary widely in their level of difficulty. Some are extremely easy, while others require considerable patience and skill. Our goal is to give everyone a fun and challenging way to improve their spelling, vocabulary, and mental acuity. What better way to stay sharp?
This book contains 1,001 anagram (or word scramble) puzzles that are grouped into 20 different categories. To solve them, you must rearrange the letters to form a word (or phrase) in that category. There are 50 puzzles for each of the following topics: Popular Girls Names, Popular Boys Names, Famous Actresses, Famous Actors, Television Shows, Song Titles, Famous Singers, Classic Movies, People Who Work in Hospitals, College Majors I & II, Dog & Cat Breeds, Christmas Carols, Food & Menu Items, Famous Athletes, Names of Countries, Animals, Birds & Insects, Cities Across the Globe, Fun Names for Colors, and Common Household Items. Finally, the last chapter provides the solution to every puzzle. By design, the puzzles in this book vary widely in their level of difficulty. Some are extremely easy, while others require considerable patience and skill. Our goal is to give everyone a fun and challenging way to improve their spelling, vocabulary, and mental acuity. What better way to stay sharp?