The United States Naval War College 1936 Wargame Rules: USN Wargaming Before WWII Volume 1 Paperback $19.26
George Kearton's The Collectors Guide to Plastic Toy Soldiers 1947-1987 Revised Edition Paperback $16.19
The Sandhurst Kriegsspiel Wargaming for the Modern Infantry Officer Training for War: Volume 1 Paperback $18.21
Phil Dunn's Your World at War Rules for Global Wargaming Campaigns 1939-45 Including Naval, Land and Air Operations Paperback $17.79
Gavin and Bernard Lyall's Operation Warboard Wargaming World War II Battles in 20-25mm Scale Paperback $18.90
The Matrix Games Handbook: Professional Applications from Education to Analysis and Wargaming Paperback $23.41
Stuart Asquith and Terry Wise's Wargaming 17th Century Battles: Including Rules for the English Civil War and the Thirty Years War Paperback $21.27