El Espritu de Pitn / The Spirit of Python

El Espritu de Pitn / The Spirit of Python

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Librate de este destructor sutil y reclama una vida llena de pasin y propsito. Las pitones tienen una forma interesante de matar a su presa. La estrangulan hasta que ya no puede respirar, literalmente sofocando la vida de ella.

Si siente que sus sueos y pasiones lo estn asfixiando y no sabe por qu, quizs usted puede estar tratando con el espritu de pitn.. En el mundo natural las serpientes pitones tienen una manera interesante de matar a sus presas. Ellas lo contraen hasta que ya no puede respirar, literalmente le sacan la vida de sus venas.

En el reino espiritual el espritu de pitn acta de la misma manera, trata de ponerle lmites, silenciando su voz y matando sus sueos.

El espritu de pitn le ayuda a comprender las estrategias de este sutil destructor, cmo trabaja, cmo detectarlo y cmo romper el control que ejerce sobre su vida. Usted puede aprender a:
- Reconocer las primeras seales de advertencia de que est bajo ataque
- Encontrar las maneras en que usted, quiz sin saberlo, le haya dado acceso a su hogar
- Traer la liberacin y la restacuracin de Dios a cada rea de su vida

Dios quiere romper las vueltas de la serpiente en tu vida. Quiere ayudarte a respirar de nuevo.


Break free from this subtle destroyer and reclaim a life of passion and purpose. Pythons have an interesting way of killing their prey. They constrict it until it can no longer breathe, literally suffocating the life out of it. In the spirit realm Satan often works in the same way, slowly slithering his way into our lives, attempting to choke the very life out of us. The python spirit can squeeze the joy out of your worship and prayers. It can pressure you to keep quiet when God wants you to speak up. And it can steal the peace of knowing that you belong to God. But there is a way to defeat him. You don't have to become his prey. The Spirit of Python helps you understand the strategies of this subtle destroyer, how he works, how to detect him, and how to break his hold from your life. You can learn to:
- Recognize the early warning signs that you are under attack
- Find the ways you may have unknowingly given him access into your home
- Bring God's deliverance and restoration into every area of your life We are in the middle of an unseen spiritual war.

God wants to break the coils of the serpent off of your life. He wants to help you breathe again.

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