Destete. Final de Una Etapa / Weaning. the End of a Phase

Destete. Final de Una Etapa / Weaning. the End of a Phase

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Este libro ofrece consejos especficos para situaciones muy diferentes y rene casos individuales de destete que parten de la prctica, para que as puedan servir de gua en esta etapa final de una lactancia feliz.

Todos los bebs cuyas madres optaron por la lactancia materna van a pasar, tarde o temprano, por un destete. A pesar de ello, parece que pocas madres le presten suficiente atencin a esta etapa. Es ms, cuando buscan ayuda e informacin se dan cuenta de que lo escrito hasta ahora sobre el tema resulta incompleto, se limita a recomendaciones generales y no trata los casos de una manera ms individualizada. Porque hay todo tipo de destete: nocturno, de urgencia, dirigido por la madre, destete en los primeros das despus del parto o en nios ya mayores... A partir de su experiencia como consultora de lactancia, Alba Padr ha podido especializarse en el destete para acompaar a las madres en esta fase.


This book offers specific advice for many different situations and compiles individual weaning cases from practice to serve as guidelines in this last phase of a happy breastfeeding time.

Every single baby whose mother decided to breastfeed will inevitably go through a weaning phase. Nevertheless, it seems very few mothers pay enough attention to this phase. Furthermore, when they seek help and look up information, they realize that what has been written about the subject is so far incomplete, limited to general recommendations, and doesn't deal with cases in a more individualized way. Since there are many kinds of weaning: at nighttime, due to an emergency, led by the mother, during the first few days after childbirth, or in grown children... From her experience as lactation consultant, Alba Padro has specialized in weaning to accompany mothers during this stage.

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