Desde El Centro de Amrica. Miradas Alternativas / From the Center of America. Alternative Visions

Desde El Centro de Amrica. Miradas Alternativas / From the Center of America. Alternative Visions

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Esta antologa rene veintiuna miradas, sentires y voces de mujeres que tienen el centro de Amrica como su patria cultural.

Las narradoras seleccionadas en esta antologa no son las clsicas escritoras de la regin, de quienes seguramente son herederas, pero su visin de la realidad, del arte y de la escritura enriquece y actualiza el panorama de la literatura centroamericana. Sus relatos evidencian la complejidad del panorama social, econmico, poltico y cultural del istmo, as como su original habilidad esttica. Mujeres todas con la intuicin de apegarse a sus sueos, porque saben que de ellos nacen los motivos necesarios para seguir hacindole la crnica a la vida. Ellas comparten, da con da, la intensidad, la agudeza y el asombro de la indagacin en la condicin humana.


A collection of twenty-one works by women with roots at the very center of the Americas.

The contributors selected for this anthology are not the region's classic authors, although they are undoubtedly influenced by their legacy, as their visions of reality, art, and the act of writing, expand and enrich the scope of Central American literature. Their voices reveal the complexity of the region's social, economic and cultural panorama, as well as its aesthetic originality. These are women determined to follow their dreams as the motivation to continue creating the chronicle of their lives. Collectively, their writings convey the intensity and surprise that come from exploring the human condition.

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