The Melchizedek Bible, Volume 4 The Books of Ezra . The Books of Ezra to the Books of the Maccabees . Volume 4 again arranges the scriptures in chronological order, and then divides the books into paragraphs that are numbered. . Additional evidence for the Melchizedek chapter format is evident in the books of Ezra, because the chapters become much larger, and fit the Melchizedek format quite precisely. . The hidden canon of the Bible is now revealed! . The lost or secret writings of the Bible also fit the Melchizedek number scheme, and are about to be made available via Amazon books, Kindle, and probably other publishers. . It is hard to imagine that Deseret Books would not be interested in these exciting discoveries! . The translation of the Book of Mormon has begun preliminary transcription, and the Melchizedek Bible codes appears to apply to at least some of the Book of Mormon too.... . Press releases are underway, and media coverage is expected. Buy you your copies of The Melchizedek Bible right now! . And of course, thank you for your support! . The New Jerusalem World Library
The Melchizedek Bible, Volume 4 The Books of Ezra . The Books of Ezra to the Books of the Maccabees . Volume 4 again arranges the scriptures in chronological order, and then divides the books into paragraphs that are numbered. . Additional evidence for the Melchizedek chapter format is evident in the books of Ezra, because the chapters become much larger, and fit the Melchizedek format quite precisely. . The hidden canon of the Bible is now revealed! . The lost or secret writings of the Bible also fit the Melchizedek number scheme, and are about to be made available via Amazon books, Kindle, and probably other publishers. . It is hard to imagine that Deseret Books would not be interested in these exciting discoveries! . The translation of the Book of Mormon has begun preliminary transcription, and the Melchizedek Bible codes appears to apply to at least some of the Book of Mormon too.... . Press releases are underway, and media coverage is expected. Buy you your copies of The Melchizedek Bible right now! . And of course, thank you for your support! . The New Jerusalem World Library