Makiah's Show and Tell follows the story of a young Black girl who makes it her mission to educate those around her about the importance of her Black natural hair. In her primary school class, she leads a Show and Tell presentation that describes the different texture of Natural Hair as well as protective styles that she often wears. After her presentation, she invites her friends over for a sleepover. During seemingly uncomfortable conversations, Makiah embraces her culture and takes pride in her uniqueness.
Makiah's Show and Tell follows the story of a young Black girl who makes it her mission to educate those around her about the importance of her Black natural hair. In her primary school class, she leads a Show and Tell presentation that describes the different texture of Natural Hair as well as protective styles that she often wears. After her presentation, she invites her friends over for a sleepover. During seemingly uncomfortable conversations, Makiah embraces her culture and takes pride in her uniqueness.