This book is a recollection of the Legal Opinions given by Professor Allan R. Brewer-Caras, before International Investment Arbitration ICSID Tribunals, on matter of Venezuelan law, specifically on matters of State's Consent for Arbitration, Public Interest Contracts, Mining Concessions, Administrative Silence, Revocation of Administrative Acts, Reversion of Assets in Concessions and Expropriation Proceeding
in the following cases: ICSID Case No. ARB/07/27: Mobil Corporation Venezuela Holdings, B.V., Mobil Cerro Negro Holding, Ltd., Mobil Venezolana de Petrleos Holdings, Inc., Mobil Cerro Negro, Ltd., Mobil Venezolana de Petrleos, Inc. (Claimants) v. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Respondent) 10 April 2009; ICSID Case No. ARB/08/3: Brandes Investment Partners, Lp (Claimant) V. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Respondent) 26 June 2009; ICSID Case No. ARB/07/30: ConocoPhillips Petrozuata B.V., ConocoPhillips Hamaca B.V., ConocoPhillips Gulf of Paria B.V., ConocoPhillips Company (Claimants) v. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Respondent) 29 October 2009; ICSID Case No. ARB/10/14: OPIC Karimun Corporation (Claimant) V. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Respondent) (First Opinion) 29 October 2011, (Second Opinion) 26 April 2012; ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/09/1: Gold Reserve Inc. (Claimant) V. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Respondent) (First Opinion) 15 September 2010; (Second Opinion) 28 July 2011); Caso CIADI/ARB/10/19: Flughafen Zrich A.G., Gestin e Ingeniera IDC S.A. (Demandantes) C. Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela (Demandada) (Primera Opinin) 5 Mayo 2012, (Segunda Opinin) 28 Agosto 2012; (Tercera Opinin), 4 Febrero 2013; Caso CIADI No. ARB (AF)/14/11: Anglo American PLC (Demandante) -Contra- Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela (Demandada) (Primera Opinin) 24 Abril 2015; (Primera Opinin Complementaria) 13 Mayo 2016; (Segunda Opinin Complementaria) 20 Septiembre 2016; ICSID Case No. ARB/12/13. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Europe (Claimant) -v- The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Respondent) 10 June 2014; (Second Opinion) 11 June 2014.