Remember how your Grandma had a natural cure for everything? Wouldn't you like to grow your own medicine cabinet? In your own back yard? Avoiding chemicals and naroctics? Knowing exactly what you put in your body? My Grandma was a huge believer in nature has a cure for everything. This is the follow up book in the best selling "Grandma's herbal and homemade remedies"In this book we look at some additional remedies in more detail and make special reference to the recipes she uses to treat various ailments. Ailments treated in this book stomach and intestinal problems sexual libido dysentery in babies asthma & respiratory illnesses chest pains psoriasis kidney irritation and diarrhoea anxiety, stress & depression eczema & dry skin ulcers natural disinfectant menstruation severe headaches & migraines dry up excess mucus reduce inflammation of the mucus membranes. arthritis and bruising detoxifying the body sore throat natural healing promoter mosquito repellent mood stabilizer lower blood pressure & bad cholesterol improve metabolism heal respiratory and lung infections weight loss aids detoxify liver gum disease tooth decay dandruff rashes alleviate constipation bacterial infections cold & flu deal with skin, pimples and acne Some reviews of the first Grandma's Herbal Remedies Fawn Hammit - I am a holistic health practitioner and have used this book many times and will continuation Anji Kurian - What's not to love about a book that gives you a remedy from your cupboards or kitchen garden for so many different ailments. It is a very handy and efficient guide with just the right amount of information without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary detail. I highly recommend it for every home. Vactoria Inday - It's very informative, practical and useful. I'm sure everyone will be able to use it. Thank you for this very wonderful book. You must have it.
Remember how your Grandma had a natural cure for everything? Wouldn't you like to grow your own medicine cabinet? In your own back yard? Avoiding chemicals and naroctics? Knowing exactly what you put in your body? My Grandma was a huge believer in nature has a cure for everything. This is the follow up book in the best selling "Grandma's herbal and homemade remedies"In this book we look at some additional remedies in more detail and make special reference to the recipes she uses to treat various ailments. Ailments treated in this book stomach and intestinal problems sexual libido dysentery in babies asthma & respiratory illnesses chest pains psoriasis kidney irritation and diarrhoea anxiety, stress & depression eczema & dry skin ulcers natural disinfectant menstruation severe headaches & migraines dry up excess mucus reduce inflammation of the mucus membranes. arthritis and bruising detoxifying the body sore throat natural healing promoter mosquito repellent mood stabilizer lower blood pressure & bad cholesterol improve metabolism heal respiratory and lung infections weight loss aids detoxify liver gum disease tooth decay dandruff rashes alleviate constipation bacterial infections cold & flu deal with skin, pimples and acne Some reviews of the first Grandma's Herbal Remedies Fawn Hammit - I am a holistic health practitioner and have used this book many times and will continuation Anji Kurian - What's not to love about a book that gives you a remedy from your cupboards or kitchen garden for so many different ailments. It is a very handy and efficient guide with just the right amount of information without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary detail. I highly recommend it for every home. Vactoria Inday - It's very informative, practical and useful. I'm sure everyone will be able to use it. Thank you for this very wonderful book. You must have it.