Eclipse!: The What, Where, When, Why, and How Guide to Watching Solar and Lunar Eclipses
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* Detailed explanations of eclipse mechanics and dynamics, viewing techniques, and what to look for, both in the sky and all around you
* Extended discussions of eclipse photography and videography-film selection and developing, filter requirements, special care of equipment, and more
* Intriguing individual and group activities you can carry out during an eclipse to heighten your enjoyment and deepen your understanding of the event
* Detailed maps and discussions on how and where to best view each eclipse, plus travel considerations, likely weather conditions, and equipment recommendations Whether you're a backyard astronomer, a dedicated eclipse chaser, or a teacher guiding students through their first eclipse experience, Eclipse! provides the in-depth, detailed, practical information you need to make the most of these thrilling celestial marvels of nature.
* Detailed explanations of eclipse mechanics and dynamics, viewing techniques, and what to look for, both in the sky and all around you
* Extended discussions of eclipse photography and videography-film selection and developing, filter requirements, special care of equipment, and more
* Intriguing individual and group activities you can carry out during an eclipse to heighten your enjoyment and deepen your understanding of the event
* Detailed maps and discussions on how and where to best view each eclipse, plus travel considerations, likely weather conditions, and equipment recommendations Whether you're a backyard astronomer, a dedicated eclipse chaser, or a teacher guiding students through their first eclipse experience, Eclipse! provides the in-depth, detailed, practical information you need to make the most of these thrilling celestial marvels of nature.