Dinosaurs In Heaven is a story about a 9 year old boy named Tripp. He is getting ready for his adventure to Heaven and wonders what it will be like when he gets there. He wanted to be a Paleontologist, so he is curious if there will be dinosaurs there for him to study. When he arrives, he is greeted by a magnificent being and can't believe his eyes. He then goes on to see so many other beautiful things such as family, friends, different kinds of animals, dinosaurs and all kinds of activities that he loves just like here on earth!
Tripp's mission is to help other kids and families to feel some kind of comfort when it comes to losing someone you love or when it is their own time to be called home to Heaven. This is a hard topic to bring up so this is a better way to help talk about something so scary and tragic.
I wrote this book for so many reasons, as I experienced the loss of my beautiful son, Tripp. He battled metastasized osteosarcoma (bone cancer) for 2 years. We ran out of options and I had to tell my little boy he would be going home to Heaven without me for a little while. I recieved a book from the hospital to read to him to make it easier to bring up that conversation. That book was awful and scared him, so this is why I wrote Dinosaurs In Heaven. In hopes that it would reach the families that needed it. I sure wish I had this book to read to Tripp before he left this world, it would have brought him so much comfort even though he was far from ready to leave.