After a startling evening with a Ouija Board, Leota finds herself receiving messages from supernatural voices, called her "Angels." Alarmed, she decides to meet Dr. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross at a conference where Kbler-Ross is treating traumatized sufferers. Caught up in the primal treatments, Leota is transformed by the wisdom of Kbler-Ross and becomes a facilitator in the treatment of the dying-until crisis demands that she begin a new life.
After a startling evening with a Ouija Board, Leota finds herself receiving messages from supernatural voices, called her "Angels." Alarmed, she decides to meet Dr. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross at a conference where Kbler-Ross is treating traumatized sufferers. Caught up in the primal treatments, Leota is transformed by the wisdom of Kbler-Ross and becomes a facilitator in the treatment of the dying-until crisis demands that she begin a new life.