Are you ready to be a better you? Are you ready for the challenge of being all that you can be? Are you ready to change your mindset? If so, this is the book for you. The Purpose of this book of affirmations is to strengthen, encourage and empower Men and Women as they go through the twists and turns of life. Each and every day, say these affirmations aloud. Mediate on them daily. Execute them and write down the results. Watch how as you change your words and mindset, how you will triumph and overcome your days. These affirmations won't wash away your problems, but they will motivate and rekindle the desire and drive that you once had. They will challenge you to do better and fulfill your purpose in the earth. So Let's Go and Let's Be Better!
Are you ready to be a better you? Are you ready for the challenge of being all that you can be? Are you ready to change your mindset? If so, this is the book for you. The Purpose of this book of affirmations is to strengthen, encourage and empower Men and Women as they go through the twists and turns of life. Each and every day, say these affirmations aloud. Mediate on them daily. Execute them and write down the results. Watch how as you change your words and mindset, how you will triumph and overcome your days. These affirmations won't wash away your problems, but they will motivate and rekindle the desire and drive that you once had. They will challenge you to do better and fulfill your purpose in the earth. So Let's Go and Let's Be Better!