What Does Green Mean?: The History, People, and Ideas of the Green Party in Canada and Abroad
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Around the rest of the world, however, Green Parties have formed governments many times. In many countries they have been an established part of the political domain for decades. And they're not seen as a "single-issue party", as they're so often wrongly described in Canada.
What Does Green Mean? is a world tour of Green parties and Green political ideas. Using international examples of Green parties from around the globe, it explores what the Greens are trying to do for politics and for the planet. From Green governments in Germany, Sweden, and Ireland, to the individuals who founded the Canadian Green movement, the book aims to leave the reader with a richer understanding of what Green truly means.
Around the rest of the world, however, Green Parties have formed governments many times. In many countries they have been an established part of the political domain for decades. And they're not seen as a "single-issue party", as they're so often wrongly described in Canada.
What Does Green Mean? is a world tour of Green parties and Green political ideas. Using international examples of Green parties from around the globe, it explores what the Greens are trying to do for politics and for the planet. From Green governments in Germany, Sweden, and Ireland, to the individuals who founded the Canadian Green movement, the book aims to leave the reader with a richer understanding of what Green truly means.