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The Cloud Computing Guidebook August 19th, 2021 Digital Back Issue Cover

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About The Cloud Computing Guidebook

Cloud computing is one of the most important technologies in recent years. It’s at the forefront of everything we do, from sending and receiving emails to backing up our important data; from calculating the number of atoms in the visible universe to helping predict changes to our environment. The power of the cloud is all around us, and with this guidebook, you’ll discover how important the cloud is and how it affects our daily lives. Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and other big companies are all invested in the cloud, and deliver the technology to individuals and multinational organisations alike. The cloud is more than just online storage, it’s about collaboration, sharing and providing the essential services that keep the Internet together. Whether you’re just curious about the technology involved in cloud computing, or you’re a small business owner who’s thinking of moving their IT and systems into the cloud, The Cloud Computing Guidebook will answer your questions and help you find your way through the jargon.

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