Story Digital Back Issue Cover

Story Story_50-2023 (Digital)

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About Story

STORY je jedan od najprepoznatljivijih brendova na hrvatskoj medijskoj sceni i već 18 godina autoritet za svijet šoubiznisa, kulture, mode te lider u pokretanju lifestyle trendova. Lifestyle tjednik Story među najutjecajnijim je mainstream medijima u Hrvatskoj. Vizija Storyja je lifestyle sadržajima premium kvalitete na svim medijskim platformama postati prvi i vodeći izvor inspiracije. STORY is one of the most recognizable brands on the Croatian media scene and for 18 years is an authority on the world of show business, culture, fashion and a leader in driving lifestyle trends. Story is one of the most influential mainstream media in Croatia. Story's vision is to make premium quality lifestyle content across all media platforms the first and leading source of inspiration.

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