Me Cans de Ti / I Got Tired of You

Me Cans de Ti / I Got Tired of You

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Si tu pareja te ignora, te vigila, te hace dao o te miente... por qu seguir con ella? Por qu soportar una relacin que te hace sufrir?

Aqu te va una verdad dolorosa: El amor no es suficiente para mantener unida a una pareja. Y, en algunos casos, aquello que t consideras amor no es ms que posesin, miedo y costumbre. Walter Riso explora algunos de los motivos que llevan a las personas a cansarse de su relacin. Si no ests incmodo con tu vida amorosa, y lo has intentado casi todo, quiz sea hora de replantearse algo ms de fondo.

El amor se termin o eres t quien se cans de ese amor? A partir de cartas de despedida escritas por el autor, aprende a decir adis cuando solo puedes pensar: Te amo, pero ya no te aguanto! .

Deja de sufrir intilmente y permite que el realismo se imponga.


If your partner ignores you, watches you, hurts you, or lies to you, why stay with them? Why put up with a relationship that makes you suffer?

Here's a painful truth: Love isn't enough to keep a couple together. And, in some cases, what you think of as "love" is nothing more than possession, fear, and habit. Walter Riso explores some of the reasons that lead people to get tired of their relationship. If you're not uncomfortable with your love life, and you've tried almost everything, maybe it's time to rethink something deeper.

Is the love over or are you the one who got tired of that love? From farewell letters written by the author, learn to say goodbye when you can only think, "I love you, but I can't stand you anymore!"

Stop suffering uselessly and allow realism to prevail.

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