About Samanya Gyan - Physics, Chemistry And Biology
"pratiyogee pareekshaon mein saamaany gyaan kee upayogita tatha baajaar mein isakee badhatee maang ko dekhate hue ‘vee end es pablishars’ ne saamaany gyaan - bhautik, jeev evan rasaayan vigyaan pustak prakaashit kiya hai. saamaany vigyaan par aadhaarit is vishesh pustak mein bhautikee, rasaayan tatha jeev vigyaan se judee sabhee pramukh tathyon ka sankalan kiya gaya hai. pustak ke teen bhaag hai - pratham bhaag mein bhautik vigyaan se jude tathy maatrak, gati, guruttvaakarshan, prshth tanaav, ushma, prakaash, chumbak, naabhikeey vikhandan aadi. dviteey bhaag mein rasaayan vigyaan se jude raasaayanik bandhan, mishradhaatu, adhaatu, kaarban tatha usake yaugik, bahulakeekaran evan plaastik, petroliyam udyog, eendhan aadi. trteey bhaag mein jeev vigyaan se jude vanaspati vigyaan, aarthik vanaspati vigyaan, koshika vigyaan, jaiv-vikaas, maanav shareer ke pramukh tantr, poshan evan svaasthy, pramukh rogon dvaara prabhaavit shareer ke ang aadi ka ullekh kiya gaya hai. yah pustak pratibhaagiyon evan chhaatr/chhaatron ke lie to upayogee hai hee isake alaava shikshak, lekhakon tatha any jaagarook paathakon ke lie bhee saamaan roop se upayogee hai. (In view of the usefulness of common knowledge in competitive examinations and its growing demand in the market, 'V & S' Publishers' have compiled Physics, Biology and Chemistry in the book.The book has three parts - the first part of the physical sciences related to phenomena, speed, gravity, page stress, heat, light,Magnet, nuclear fragmentation etc. The second part is associated with chemistry and related topics like Chemical bond, alloy, non-metals, carbon and its compounds, polymerics and plastic, petroleum industry, fuel etc. In the third part, biology is associated with science, economic botany, cytology,Bio-development, the main mechanism of the human body, nutrition and health, body parts affected by major diseases etc. have been mentioned.This book is useful for participants and students / students, apart from this, also for the teachers, writers and other aware readers.)
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