Fucaloro is his own gravitational force, comprised of vulnerability, earnestness, and humor. Like Rumi, his poems are easy on the eyes with a simplicity that is sneakily complex. You can't help but cry and laugh and learn about yourself and the poet.-Advocate of Wordz
Is a salad without croutons a salad worth eating? In his book The Only Gardening I Do Is When I Give Up Fucaloro has written a series of tornadoes and inside those tornadoes are croutons and when I say croutons I mean a violin playing hippo, a way out through a stuffed elephant, a receding ocean, a plate of pasta, a pulsing mother, all things expansive. Open your mouth and take a bite, crunch your way through these meaty poems, I promise you won't want to stop for water.-Vanessa Chica Ferreira