7 min.
Confirm all information with show promoter before traveling. The time, dates, and/or location may have changed.
Aug 27-28, NC, Raleigh. 85th Old North State Antique Gun and Military Antiques Show. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10-4pm. North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Road, off I-40. Carolina Trader Promotions 704-282-1339. Richard@thecarolinatrader.com www.TheCarolinaTrader.com
Sep 7, IN, Newburgh. 1st Wednesday Military Collector Swap & Sale, American Legion, 711 State St. Info:Neil @ 812 483 3064; www.evvmilitarycollectors.com
Sep 15-17, PA, York. MAX Show, York Expo Center at the York Country Fairgrounds, 334 Carlisle Ave. Info: Ohio Valley Military Society, Inc., P.O. Box 30436, Cincinnati, OH 45230-0436; 513-245-9540; ovms@fuse.net; www.sos-ovms.com
Sep 16-17, IN, Portland. 31st Annual Indiana MVPA Rally and Swap Meet. Hosted by the Indiana MVPA in conjunction with the Museum of the Soldier’s annual Open House & Fundraiser…