5 min.
Look for more information in the advertisements in this issue of any show listings in bold and italics. Support our advertisers, they support the hobby!
Confirm all information with show promoter before traveling. The time, dates, and/or location may have changed!
Oct 23, NY, Patterson. Militaria & Knife Collector Show, Patterson Recreation Center, 65 Front Street (I84/I684, I87, building adjacent to Metro-North Railroad). The Duffle Bag, Inc., P.O. Box 22, Patterson, NY 12563 845 • 878 • 7106, www.thedufflebaginc.com
Oct 23-24 LA, Mandeville. The Greater New Orleans Militaria Show, Castine Center in Pelican Park. Hosted by Old Patriot & Heartland Militaria Shows, Dan 985-707-8600; Matt 405-503-3665; www.greaterneworleansmilitariashow.com
Oct 23-24, IN, Newburgh. Evansville Military Collectors Club Show, American Legion Post 44, 711 State St. 812-483-3064, www.evvmilitarycollectors.com
Oct 29-30, —POSTPONED to June 17-18—CA, Pomona. West Coast Historical…