8 min.
Confirm all information with show promoter before traveling. The time, dates, and/or location may have changed!
May 29 CO, Colorado Springs. Colorado Veterans Project Memorial Day Run & March. info@coloradoveteransproject.org, coloradoveteransproject.org
June 1, IN, Newburgh. 1st Wednesday Military Collector Swap & Sale, American Legion, 711 State St. Info:Neil @812 483 3064; www.evvmilitarycollectors.com
June 4-5, NC, Raleigh. 84th Old North State Antique Gun and Military Antiques Show. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 10-4pm. North Carolina State Fairgrounds, 4285 Trinity Road, off I-40. Carolina Trader Promotions 704-282-1339. Richard@thecarolinatrader.com www.TheCarolinaTrader.com
June 5, OH, Toledo (Perrysburg). Military Collectibles Show and Sale, Graystone K of C Hall 29101 Hufford Rd. Sat., 10-3:30 PM. Info including local hotels: 586.549.3150; Info: Reefe Renforth, 248.321.1264; svm1944@comcast.net; Karl Kithier, 586-549-3150; www.michmilitaryhistory.com
June 10-11, OH, Wilmington. OVMS 400-Table Militaria Show. Roberts Centre, I-71 at U.S. Route…