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HOW TO DO EVERYTHING IN MINECRAFT March 18th, 2014 Digital Back Issue Cover


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Minecraft is a worldwide phenomenon. Since it was first released back in 2011, it has been taken to the hearts of thousands and thousands of gamers. And if they are anything like us, they spend hour after hour exploring its many possibilities. Whether you play Minecraft on a tablet, on a desktop computer or on a games console, infinite fun is what you are going to get. Minecraft, though is also a game of secrets. It is a game where clever strategies, lateral thinking and some expert help can really unlock even more possibilities. That is where this guide comes in. whether you are a new Minecraft player or a very experienced one, we have lots of things to tell you about that we have uncovered while playing the game. We have packed this guide with as many secrets, pieces of advice, tactics and ideas as we can. So whether you want to get on top of the basics of effective building, pillage a Jungle Temple or take down the Ender Dragon himself, we have plenty to tell you about.

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