From the author of the groundbreaking book, Being Human, comes a radical newguide to personal liberation and transformation. Written by one of the world'sleading authorities on nonduality and psychedelic experience, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., Entheogenic Liberation is the definitive work on 5-MeO-DMT and its applicabilityto genuine enlightenment and freedom from the illusory prison of the ego. With wisdom and guidance culled from years of direct therapeutic work, this book laysout precise and detailed instructions and methodologies for working with the world's most powerful entheogenic medicine for the purpose of achieving liberationinto the fundamental unitary state of being. Presented as a form of therapy, this work is free from metaphysics and speculation, articulating practical approaches for deep entheogenic work that can achieve radical and meaningful results. The ideas and techniques explored here could revolutionize the way people think of psychedelics, nonduality, human life, and reality in general. Provocative, challenging, and deeply insightful, Entheogenic Liberation is a must-read for anyone serious about liberationand the future of humanity - a future that is grounded in truth, or lost in illusionand the perpetual confusions of the human ego.Beyond the artificial construct of the individual self lies an infinite unitary stateof love, awareness, and authentic being. By working to energetically unwind the unconscious artifice of the ego, the possibility of true freedom calls. Only you can liberate yourself. Are you ready?Contents include: The PrisonApproaches to Engaging Psychedelics: Recreational UseExploratory or "Psychonautical" UseCreative UseProblem Solving and NoveltyTherapeutic UseReligious and Spiritual UseSex and SexualityNonduality: The EgoNondual ExperienceNondual Experience as a Human BirthrightPsychedelics/Entheogens and NondualityThe Radically Awesome Nature of GodWorking with 5-MeO-DMT: Considerations for a Safe and Secure SettingFinding a Good FacilitatorBeing a WitnessTaking FiveThe Experiential ArcVisualsSpontaneous ReactivationsDeeper Medicine ExperiencesFailure to ReassembleBreathVocalizingPurgingSpontaneous, Fluid, Symmetrical Movements"Mudras" and Hand Gestures/PositionsVibratingAfterglowOngoing Emotional ReleasesSwinging the Other Way, Post-SessionWhiteoutsChallenging Reactions: Attachment to the ExperienceSelf-Aggrandizement No, God/The Universe/the Medicine isn't "Calling" YouAttachment to ProvidersTraumatic ExperienceHumpty-Dumpty SyndromeMental Health IssuesDisplacement, Projection, and AttachmentThe Human Energetic System: HeadMouth and ThroatHeart and LungsAbdomen and Digestive TractGenitalsEnergetic Structures of the EgoSymmetry vs. AsymmetryThinking Clearly: Liberation through UnknowingBeyond the BodyLoving Yourself - All of YourselfPersonal Preference vs. Universal LoveLetting Go of the Need for ControlReligion and Spirituality"Natural" vs. SyntheticBeing a Nondual Energetic PractitionerCouples Work, Relationships, & SexualityGoing SoloLegal Issues
From the author of the groundbreaking book, Being Human, comes a radical newguide to personal liberation and transformation. Written by one of the world'sleading authorities on nonduality and psychedelic experience, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., Entheogenic Liberation is the definitive work on 5-MeO-DMT and its applicabilityto genuine enlightenment and freedom from the illusory prison of the ego. With wisdom and guidance culled from years of direct therapeutic work, this book laysout precise and detailed instructions and methodologies for working with the world's most powerful entheogenic medicine for the purpose of achieving liberationinto the fundamental unitary state of being. Presented as a form of therapy, this work is free from metaphysics and speculation, articulating practical approaches for deep entheogenic work that can achieve radical and meaningful results. The ideas and techniques explored here could revolutionize the way people think of psychedelics, nonduality, human life, and reality in general. Provocative, challenging, and deeply insightful, Entheogenic Liberation is a must-read for anyone serious about liberationand the future of humanity - a future that is grounded in truth, or lost in illusionand the perpetual confusions of the human ego.Beyond the artificial construct of the individual self lies an infinite unitary stateof love, awareness, and authentic being. By working to energetically unwind the unconscious artifice of the ego, the possibility of true freedom calls. Only you can liberate yourself. Are you ready?Contents include: The PrisonApproaches to Engaging Psychedelics: Recreational UseExploratory or "Psychonautical" UseCreative UseProblem Solving and NoveltyTherapeutic UseReligious and Spiritual UseSex and SexualityNonduality: The EgoNondual ExperienceNondual Experience as a Human BirthrightPsychedelics/Entheogens and NondualityThe Radically Awesome Nature of GodWorking with 5-MeO-DMT: Considerations for a Safe and Secure SettingFinding a Good FacilitatorBeing a WitnessTaking FiveThe Experiential ArcVisualsSpontaneous ReactivationsDeeper Medicine ExperiencesFailure to ReassembleBreathVocalizingPurgingSpontaneous, Fluid, Symmetrical Movements"Mudras" and Hand Gestures/PositionsVibratingAfterglowOngoing Emotional ReleasesSwinging the Other Way, Post-SessionWhiteoutsChallenging Reactions: Attachment to the ExperienceSelf-Aggrandizement No, God/The Universe/the Medicine isn't "Calling" YouAttachment to ProvidersTraumatic ExperienceHumpty-Dumpty SyndromeMental Health IssuesDisplacement, Projection, and AttachmentThe Human Energetic System: HeadMouth and ThroatHeart and LungsAbdomen and Digestive TractGenitalsEnergetic Structures of the EgoSymmetry vs. AsymmetryThinking Clearly: Liberation through UnknowingBeyond the BodyLoving Yourself - All of YourselfPersonal Preference vs. Universal LoveLetting Go of the Need for ControlReligion and Spirituality"Natural" vs. SyntheticBeing a Nondual Energetic PractitionerCouples Work, Relationships, & SexualityGoing SoloLegal Issues