Two years after the horrific disaster at Cryptid Zoo, sinister creatures created by bio-geneticist Dr. Joel McCabe from his hidden underground bunker laboratory overrun the nation. Cryptid hunters, Jack Tremens and Miguel Walla with the help of cryptozoologist Professor Nora Howard must hunt the madman down and stop the scourge. Meanwhile, Allen Moss and his wife, Laney battle the ruthless pharmaceutical giant run by billionaire Carter Wilde who is also using his influential powers to legislate a congressional bill to protect all cryptids under the Endangered Species Act. Lock your doors and board up your windows because soon you will be living in CRYPTID NATION.
Two years after the horrific disaster at Cryptid Zoo, sinister creatures created by bio-geneticist Dr. Joel McCabe from his hidden underground bunker laboratory overrun the nation. Cryptid hunters, Jack Tremens and Miguel Walla with the help of cryptozoologist Professor Nora Howard must hunt the madman down and stop the scourge. Meanwhile, Allen Moss and his wife, Laney battle the ruthless pharmaceutical giant run by billionaire Carter Wilde who is also using his influential powers to legislate a congressional bill to protect all cryptids under the Endangered Species Act. Lock your doors and board up your windows because soon you will be living in CRYPTID NATION.