CanMEDS is an educational framework identifying and describing seven Roles that lead to optimal physician performance, care delivery and health care outcomes: Medical Expert (central Role), Communicator, Collaborator, Leader (formerly Manager), Health Advocate, Scholar and Professional.The overarching goal of CanMEDS is to improve patient care. The CanMEDS model has been adopted in Canada and internationally, both in and outside the health professions, making it the most recognized and widely applied health profession competency framework in the world. In Canada, the framework is used by residents in all medical specialties as part of their postgraduate training, and it provides the foundation for the exam and accreditation processes.Since its adoption, the CanMEDS Framework has been updated twice; most recently in 2015.The CanMEDS 2015 Framework has been endorsed by 12 Canadian medical organizations who will work to adapt and integrate CanMEDS for their specific context. What areas has the Framework changed from the previous version (2005)?-The addition of complementary milestones is arguably the largest change between the 2005 and 2015 versions of the CanMEDS 2015 Framework. The milestones will be available in an online companion document, the CanMEDS Milestones Guide, and unlike the Framework they will undergo continual revision as educators modify the milestones for their specific specialty.-New themes have been introduced, such as patient safety, quality improvement, handovers, and eHealth.-A renewed emphasis on the overall coherence of the framework and on its practical application.-Role descriptions and definitions are expressed in simpler, more direct language.-Overlapping areas between Roles have been minimized.-Competencies and milestones describe the abilities to be demonstrated in practice, as distinct from the information or content related to aspects of a Role.
CanMEDS is an educational framework identifying and describing seven Roles that lead to optimal physician performance, care delivery and health care outcomes: Medical Expert (central Role), Communicator, Collaborator, Leader (formerly Manager), Health Advocate, Scholar and Professional.The overarching goal of CanMEDS is to improve patient care. The CanMEDS model has been adopted in Canada and internationally, both in and outside the health professions, making it the most recognized and widely applied health profession competency framework in the world. In Canada, the framework is used by residents in all medical specialties as part of their postgraduate training, and it provides the foundation for the exam and accreditation processes.Since its adoption, the CanMEDS Framework has been updated twice; most recently in 2015.The CanMEDS 2015 Framework has been endorsed by 12 Canadian medical organizations who will work to adapt and integrate CanMEDS for their specific context. What areas has the Framework changed from the previous version (2005)?-The addition of complementary milestones is arguably the largest change between the 2005 and 2015 versions of the CanMEDS 2015 Framework. The milestones will be available in an online companion document, the CanMEDS Milestones Guide, and unlike the Framework they will undergo continual revision as educators modify the milestones for their specific specialty.-New themes have been introduced, such as patient safety, quality improvement, handovers, and eHealth.-A renewed emphasis on the overall coherence of the framework and on its practical application.-Role descriptions and definitions are expressed in simpler, more direct language.-Overlapping areas between Roles have been minimized.-Competencies and milestones describe the abilities to be demonstrated in practice, as distinct from the information or content related to aspects of a Role.