Balance in Movement: How to Achieve the Perfect Seat
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With the perception of a physical therapist Susanne von Dietze analyzes the seat and its influence, and discovers the sources of numerous mistakes and weaknesses in this area; and with the perception of an experienced trainer she gives explanations for a greater understanding and suggests many useful exercises.
First published in 1993, Balance in Movement, has long since become a classic in equestrian sports literature. It is an indispensable source of advice for all who would like to have a better understanding and command of the rider's seat, teachers and students alike. This book is on the U.S. Dressage Federation Instructor Certification Recommended Reading List.
With the perception of a physical therapist Susanne von Dietze analyzes the seat and its influence, and discovers the sources of numerous mistakes and weaknesses in this area; and with the perception of an experienced trainer she gives explanations for a greater understanding and suggests many useful exercises.
First published in 1993, Balance in Movement, has long since become a classic in equestrian sports literature. It is an indispensable source of advice for all who would like to have a better understanding and command of the rider's seat, teachers and students alike. This book is on the U.S. Dressage Federation Instructor Certification Recommended Reading List.