1 min.
unexpected friends Lilo and Rosie
Rosie was in bad shape. Thi Bui and her sisters, Thoa and Tram, had taken the starving kitten in after she’d been found in a friend’s yard. Despite round-the-clock care, they were certain they were going to lose her. “At the end of their life, you want them to be comfortable,” says Thi, who runs a neonatal kitten rescue called Mini Cat Town in San Jose, California, with her sisters. She decided to lay Rosie down next to her husky, Lilo, who adores kittens. Within hours, Rosie was eating and playing. Six years later, the two share their own sisterly bond. Rosie even goes for walks, hangs out of car windows and learns tricks. “She wants to be just like Lilo,” says Thi. The Bui sisters, who adopt out kittens…