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About YOU Low Carb

A low carbohydrate diet can be so much more than salads for lunch and cauliflower mash with dinner. This little magazine is packed with healthy yet tasty meals for the whole family such as smoked trout wraps, creamy chicken curry, steak with blue cheese butter and desserts you wouldn’t believe are low carb –cheesecake with an easy berry compote, mocha mousse and creamy crème brûlée.

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Keeps You in the Dark

It's a low-carb cook book that doesn't provide information about the number of carbs in its recipes, let alone any other information, except for a blurb, something along the lines of, "Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron." Great, but that's not specific to the particular recipe. In fact, they provide NO nutritional information whatsoever, as if we're supposed to trust the publisher to decide what's best for us--virtually depriving the reader of any control. If you're counting carbs and every one of them count, this isn't for you.

It's also published in South African, so the language, measurements and descriptions don't travel well. Further, the tastes evinced in these recipes is tropical, yet paradoxically bland.

From a technical standpoint, the digital copy is glitchy and is optimized for Windows 8. No, I'm not joking.

Sickphil S. Jan 20, 2017
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