Woman's World (Digital)

Woman's World (Digital)

1 Issue, February 10, 2025

Lucky shirt caper

Lucky shirt caper
Call the police!” Ralph Wilson yelled to his wife as he stormed out of the garage. “My game shirt is missing! Someone must have stolen it.” “Honey, who would want that smelly thing? Not me—even though I would like to take it and throw it in the washer.” Jan shook her head. “Why can’t it be laundered during the season?” “I only wear it during the games, so it’s not that dirty,” Ralph said. The team needed his support and that shirt brought them luck. He glanced at his watch. The Super Bowl pregame would start in an hour and the game three hours after that. This was an emergency. He had to find that shirt! He climbed the stairs to the bedroom, pulled off his sweatshirt and automatically tossed it in the hamper.…
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Woman's World (Digital) - 1 Issue, February 10, 2025

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