The Australian Women's Weekly (Digital)

The Australian Women's Weekly (Digital)

1 Issue, April 2022

MLMs behaving badly

Green Tea washing In 2012, Younique marketed an “all natural” mascara, but a court found “the product was composed of ground-up nylon.” Younique was fined $US3.25 million for deceptive marketing. Arbonne’s Faux Pas Vegan beauty MLM Arbonne came under fire when its consultants were caught using the pandemic as a marketing opportunity. The US Federal Trade Commission wrote a sternly worded letter to the company in 2020, warning it had 48 hours to address consultants’ false and misleading claims. Arbonne consultants were spruiking an ‘immunity support’ product that could ‘boost up your immune system right now #coronavirus’, and promising high earning potential. One consultant gushed: “14 million people applied for unemployment just last week … turn a small investment into six figures …. #arbonne … #quarantine #2020.”…
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The Australian Women's Weekly (Digital) - 1 Issue, April 2022

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