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Stuff returns July 29th, 2013 Digital Back Issue Cover

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一年前、『Lightning』『2nd』『CLUB HARLEY』『CLUTCH』の編集長・編集長経験者の〝私物〟を大公開するという突拍子もない企画から編み出された『stuff』。まだまだ語り足りない! 新たに語りたいモノも増えた! ということで続編を作っちゃいました。4誌を率いるツワモノたちの、日々の編集業務で培われた目と個々人の買い物への揺るぎないセオリー。高い基準をクリアし彼らの心を捉えたプロダクトを、彼らが自らの言葉で語り、紹介します。表紙に登場した私物など、編集の裏話も。デニム、ブーツ、レザー、バイクにクルマ、雑貨にいたるまで、ヒット企画を生み出す源は、まさにこの中に! 読み終われば「お腹いっぱい」間違いなしの一冊です。

The number of issues included in a magazine subscription (frequency) is subject to change without notice. Additional double issues may be published, which count as 2 issues. Applicable sales tax will be added. Offer void in Vermont. Magazine covers are used for illustrative purposes only and you may not receive a copy of the particular issue depicted. Your subscription will include the most recent issue once your subscription begins. Magazine covers are the property of the publisher. This site is not officially affiliated with, associated with, or endorsed by Stuff returns or the publisher. We reserve the right to substitute gifts of equal or greater value. Your first issue mails in 8-12 weeks.

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