About Star Wars: A New Hope Cinestory
The success of the feature Cinestory Comics from Joe Books has opened a new and exciting revenue stream for both the publisher and the content creators. By adapting the films as comics, there’s an opportunity for fans and book lovers alike to enjoy the content they love in a format that allows them to revisit the stories again and again. Joe Books has shipped over a million units of the cinestories, from blockbuster titles like Frozen, Inside Out and The Descendants, to beloved classics like Alice in Wonderland and Winnie-the-Pooh, there is a demand in the marketplace for this content. We believe that producing Cinestory Comics for Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi is a unique opportunity that would complement our publishing program as well as provide a unique and fresh opportunity for the films in a different channel and marketplace. Each book would be 384 – 400 pages in length, with a $19.99 USD price point and feature a full-length retelling of each film through high-quality screengrabs, with dialogue pulled from the final film script. The books would be 6 x 9 and printed on coated paper. The publishing schedule would see A New Hope published on Force Friday in September 2017.
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