Sporting Gun (Digital)

Sporting Gun (Digital)

1 Issue, July 2020


DISTRIBUTION Migratory. Breeds in eastern Greenland, Iceland and Svalbard; winters in north-western Europe, flying south in September/ October and returning to the breeding grounds from mid-April. UK DISTRIBUTION Overwintering birds are found in eastern Scotland, north-west England and East Anglia. IUCN RED a LIST STATUS Least Concern, with populations increasing. HABITAT Estuaries, farmland, grassland and wetlands. FOOD Almost seems entirely vegetarian. Summer fodder consists mainly of tundra plants, while winter grazing focuses on grasses and crops, including grains, winter cereals, sugar beet and potatoes. Agricultural damage can be extensive in places. BREEDING Monogamous; most pairs stay together for life. NESTING On cliffs, rocky outcrops or islands, often close to seabird colonies, which offer some protection from predators such as Arctic foxes. A low mound of vegetation is made with plant…
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Sporting Gun (Digital) - 1 Issue, July 2020

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