Real Classic (Digital)

Real Classic (Digital)

1 Issue, March 2025


Frank thinks he’s fixed the Beezer’s clutch. Is this success or merely clutching at straws?
Over the last half-century or more, I have fitted lots of exhaust systems to lots of bikes. Some fit perfectly, others simply didn’t. A minor strangeness is that several of the ill-attaching pipery sets were NOS factory spares from the appropriate factory, not some bad bit of bodged bendery found at a jumble somewhere. An example? Back in the mid-1980s I was delighted beyond description to find a genuine new old stock siamesed exhaust for the 1966 AJS 650 which provided my regular riding back then. A CSR system, in fact. I dreamed of great improvements to sound and performance and a reduction in weight due to the single silencer. It didn’t fit. Either the left or the right pipe would fit, but not the two together. As you know,…
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Real Classic (Digital) - 1 Issue, March 2025

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