Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection (Digital)

Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection (Digital)

1 Issue, Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection 2016


Everything you need to know about your Christmas turkey – from the correct size, to storing, cooking and carving it
What size will I need? See our handy chart below. How long to thaw? It is best to thaw a frozen turkey in a fridge (at a temperature of 4°C), allowing 8-12hr per kg (2lb 3½oz). Alternatively, defrost in a cool room (10°C-15°C) and allow 3-4hr per kg (2lb 3½oz). After thawing, remove all the packaging, then take out the giblets and store separately. Store the turkey, lightly covered, on a deep plate or dish towards the bottom of the fridge. Cook within 24hr. Do not refreeze your defrosted turkey. It sounds obvious, but remember to check that your chosen size of turkey will fit in your oven GET THE TIMING RIGHT: THAWING & COOKING Calculated for an oven temperature of 190°C (170°C fan) mark 5. Allow 30–35min per kg (2lb 3½oz). ✶To stuff your bird Just before…
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Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection (Digital) - 1 Issue, Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection 2016

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