Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection (Digital)

Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection (Digital)

1 Issue, Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection 2016

It’s the season to celebrate

Whether you are planning a Christmas party or the Christmas Day menu, GH Wine Expert Richard Ehrlich brings the very best of this year’s tipples to your table
It’s the season to celebrate
The Festive Gathering CHAMPAGNE WAITROSE BRUT NV Waitrose, £18.99 One of the least expensive of the supermarket’s own-label non-vintages, this has a far higher quality than you’d expect for a couple of £10 notes. It’s made with a good percentage of black grapes (Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier), and has a creamy feel on the palate. Good as an apéritif, and as a partner for canapés or smoked salmon. VEUVE MONSIGNY BRUT NV Aldi, £12.99 Year in, year out, Aldi’s star Monsigny shines brightly as perhaps the best ultralow-price Champagne in the UK. I’ve recommended it more times than I can remember for its instant appeal. A gorgeous apéritif. Watch online for lower prices when you buy a case of six, which can bring the per-bottle spend down to the level of superior Prosecco. LES PIONNIERS 2006 Co-Op, £24.99 This…
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Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection (Digital) - 1 Issue, Good Housekeeping Christmas Collection 2016

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