Ladybug Magazine

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About Ladybug

Ladybug magazine is a literary publication dedicated to children between the ages of two and six (Pre-K to Grade 1). Each issue features fun stories that your son or daughter will love as well as beautiful illustrations that even you will appreciate. Every issue of this publication is focused on cultivating a love of both reading and learning in small children. Order your child a Ladybug magazine subscription today!

Ladybug and Friends

Your child will love meeting and getting to know all the characters that are featured in each issue of his or her Ladybug magazine subscription. The characters include, Ladybug, Muddle, Thud, Max, Kate, Molly, Emmett, Mop, and their families. There are so many different characters that your child will love, and enough to provide diversity in the stories so that your little one never tires of this publication! You and your family will love reading this periodical together!

Activities and Games

Not only does your subscription to Ladybug magazine come with great stories featuring interesting characters, but there are fun activities in each issue as well! Both you and your child will enjoy doing all the activities that are in this publication. There are arts and crafts, recipes, games, ideas for plays, and more in every edition. Your son or daughter will get hours of entertainment from each issue that he or she receives in the mail!


Your child will be able to learn about all of his or her favorite characters in each issue of the Ladybug magazine. The interesting and fun stories in each publication with help your child gain an early appreciation of reading and learning. Not only will he or she enjoy reading the stories in the magazine, but your child will also love reading the extra books that Ladybug, Muddle, and Thud suggest. You will never run out of ideas for great books to get with the help of this subscription!

Order a discount subscription to reading by subscribing to Ladybug magazine today! 

The number of issues included in a magazine subscription (frequency) is subject to change without notice. Additional double issues may be published, which count as 2 issues. Applicable sales tax will be added. Offer void in Vermont. Magazine covers are used for illustrative purposes only and you may not receive a copy of the particular issue depicted. Your subscription will include the most recent issue once your subscription begins. Magazine covers are the property of the publisher. This site is not officially affiliated with, associated with, or endorsed by Ladybug or the publisher. We reserve the right to substitute gifts of equal or greater value. Your first issue mails in 8-15 weeks.

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These items were all gifts. The grand Mom of the girls said tghey enjoyed the magazines.

James G. from Jackson, Mississippi, United States Dec 6, 2023
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Ladybug magazine

My great granddaughter loves her magazine and shares it with her friends in pre-K.

Carolyn R. from Stone Mountain, Georgia, United States Oct 14, 2023
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Second renewal

My niece loves this magazine. She is 4. Great magazine for children who do not read very well.

Kitchy K. Aug 28, 2023
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Love Ladybug

My granddaughter absolutely loves her Ladybug magazines! She has a special place for them on her bookshelf and looks at them over and over again.

Louis S. Mar 26, 2021
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I love my Ladybug

We have YEARS AND YEARS of this magazine! ALL KIDS LOVE IT! We just need you to make magazine boxes that fit it! Thanks.

Eli M. Sep 22, 2020
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My Great Granddaughter love it.

My great granddaughter loves the magazine.

SUZANNE E. Jun 17, 2020
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I would buy this again!

This is a gift for my 4-5 year old grandson. He looks forward to it and really enjoys the content.

Patricia T. Feb 11, 2020
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I don't like the content regarding same sex couples.

Rachel V. Apr 23, 2019
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Favourite magazine for children so far!

What a lovely, well written, magazine for children. The poetry and stories are really great and I love that it's just fun and imaginative rather than pedantic.

Renee T. Sep 21, 2018
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This subscription is a gift for my 8 year old granddaughter. She loves reading and can't wait for the magazine each month - especially the stories!

Suzanne H. Jan 20, 2018
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